Taobao Statistics and User Count for 2024

Last Updated on: December 14th, 2024

Here are a few of the most interesting Taobao statistics and facts I was able to dig up including restaurant count, revenue totals and employee counts. As always, be sure to check back in the future as I will be updating this post as new and updated stats become available.

Taobao Facts

Here is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about Taobao.

Taobao Statistics user count and Facts 2024Taobao is a prominent Chinese online shopping website operated by Alibaba Group. It’s a vast e-commerce platform where individuals and businesses can sell a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, cosmetics, and more. Known for its competitive prices and a massive selection of goods, Taobao enables consumers to buy directly from sellers. It features a robust rating and review system, enhancing buyer confidence. Taobao’s popularity has made it a significant player in China’s online retail market, offering both new and secondhand items. It also includes a variety of features like group buying and live-streaming shopping to enhance the shopping experience.

Taobao Statistics

Taobao User Count

Number of Taobao users:

300 million annual buyers (2022)

Taobao Revenue Totals

Nothing to report just yet. Please check back soon for updates.

Additional Statistics

Taobao general merchandise sales in FY 2019:

5.7 trillion yuan ($853 billion)

Number of Idle Fish communities:

1.3 million (2019)

Number of Idle Fish sellers:

60 million active sellers (2019)

How many people use Taobao monthly?

666 million mobile monthly active users (2018)

How many people shop with Taobao annually?

601 million mobile annual active shoppers (2018)

Average amount spent by Alibaba Passport users on Tmall/Taobao:

$45,000 (2016)

Percentage of Taobao monthly active users that are in their 20s or 30s:

70% (2016)

Percentage of Taobao mobile users in China that are under 30:

60% (2016)

Percentage of Taobao mobile users in China that are men:

49% (2016)

Percentage of Taobao mobile users in China that are women:

51% (2016)

Average number of times a day Taobao users open its mobile app:

7 times per day (2016)

Average number of items Taobao users look at on the mobile app:

19 items (2016)

Number of people that use Taobao Live:

10,000 (2017)

Amount of time that users spend watching live streaming video on Taobao annually:

140 million hours (2017)

Taobao GMV for FY 2018:

RMB2,689 billion (US$428 billion)

Increase in Taobao GMV from FY 2017 to FY 2018:


Number of counties in China that Rural Taobao covers:

700 counties (2018)

Number of service centers in China for Rural Taobao:

30,000 service centers (2018)

Number of Taobao active content creators:

1.6 million (2018)

Average number of time Taobao app users launch it daily:

7 times (2016)

Average number of comments and reviews posted on Taobao daily:

20 million (2016)

Percentage of the independent designers on Taobao that are under the age of 33:

77% (2018)

Number of Taobao users that watched livestreams on it in 2019:

400 million users

Number of livestreams on Taobao in 2019:

60,000 livestreams

Amount of revenue Taobao livestreams generated in 2019:

5.7 billion yuan ($28 billion)

Average amount of time Chinese consumers spend viewing Taobao Live:

350,000 hours (2020)

Amount that Taobao Live generated in GMV in calendar year 2020:

RMB400 billion

Number of Taobao Deals users:

100 million annual active consumers (2020)

Please note that some of these numbers are easier to find than others. A few of these statistics come from their own reports, but some are based on news reports and not official company tallies. No information contained on DMR should be relied upon to make investment decisions. Basically, this is the best I can find and I don’t guarantee anything to be 100%.

Related Categories:

Business Statistics, eCommerce Statistics

About Craig Smith

DMR Publisher. Director of Marketing by day and I run this little site at night. Other interests include Disney, Sports, 80's Nostalgia, LEGO, Star Wars and Tech Gadgets. Other site is