About DMR (expandedramblings.com)

DMR LogoDMR (Formerly Digital Marketing Ramblings), is a treasure chest of curated collections of statistics, gadgets and fun facts, managed and edited by me, Craig Smith.

DMR is meant to be a helpful resource for marketers, journalists, professors, students…or pretty much anyone. I spend the time searching for, sorting and posting important digital marketing stats and facts so you don’t. Just about every stat on this site is linked to the original source I found it on in case you want more context about the data. I am constantly updating the posts here to stay as up to date as possible, so what you see today, may be different tomorrow.

You will find non-stat posts on DMR. Basically, if I think of something and am interested in studying it, I will probably end up writing about it. Most non-statistic posts on DMR are either curated gadget collections or 10Things lists: themed lists of 10 facts you may not have known or interesting top 10 lists.

A lot of people ask me about DMR and why the URL for this site is expandedramblings.com. The reason is simple. This whole journey started out on Twitter, where I was an early adopter and very, very active for a few years. In late 2010, I decided to expand my online ramblings past the 140 character limit of Twitter by setting up a small blog. I never anticipated this site getting as big as it has. Had I known how much interest there was out there for the stuff I liked to write about, I would’ve spent more time in picking a more interesting and descriptive web address.

PS: You can find all of my fun web projects here.

DMR also has a sister site also managed and edited by yours truly, DisneyNews.us, which should be your first stop for all things Disney, Pixar and Star Wars.

Anyways, thanks for stopping by. Please Visit our Disclosures Page for a full listing of our advertisers and affiliate programs and be sure to contact me if you have any questions about DMR.