20 Awesome Laptop Skins & Macbook Decals

Last Updated on: May 15th, 2024

20 Awesome Laptop Skins & Macbook Decals

For many of us, our laptops are truly an extension of us. We spend countless hours day and night on these things and generally don’t realize how much we rely on them until something unexpectedly goes wrong with them.

Laptops are very bland out of the box. Given how much time we spend with them, it is only natural that some of us like to give our machines a little personality with skins and decals.

Here are a few of the more creative and geeky laptop skins and Macbook decals I’ve found in my travels. I hope you enjoy these and check back regularly (or subscribe via email below) as I’ll be adding more skins and decals when I stumble on something cool.

Awesome Laptop Skins & Macbook Decals

Click on each image for more details about each of the laptop skins including info about how you can purchase them.

Note: Some of these links are affiliate links. For a list of the programs I belong to, please visit my disclosures page.

Please note that some of these numbers are easier to find than others. Most of these fun facts come from internet reports and may not be official tallies. No information contained on DMR should be relied upon to make investment decisions. Basically, this is the best I can find and I don’t guarantee anything to be 100%.