Pastebin Statistics and User Count for 2024

Last Updated on: December 17th, 2024

Here are a few of the most interesting Pastebin statistics and facts I was able to dig up including restaurant count, revenue totals and employee counts. As always, be sure to check back in the future as I will be updating this post as new and updated stats become available.

Pastebin Facts

Here is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about Pastebin.

  • Website: Official Website
  • Year Founded: 2002
  • Headquarters: Intercession City, FL
  • Founder(s): Paul Dixon

Pastebin Statistics user count and Facts 2024Pastebin is a web application that allows users to store and share plain text online. The site was launched in 2002 and has since become a popular tool for programmers, developers, and other users who need to share code snippets, configuration files, or other types of text.

Users can paste any text into the Pastebin website and choose to make it either public or private. If the text is made public, a unique URL is generated, which can be shared with others who can then access the text from anywhere in the world.

Pastebin has a number of features that make it a useful tool for sharing and storing text, including syntax highlighting, password protection for private pastes, and the ability to set an expiration date for a paste, after which it will be automatically deleted.

However, Pastebin has also been used for nefarious purposes, such as sharing sensitive information, including stolen data, passwords, and other personal information. As a result, the site has implemented various measures to prevent such use, including automated scanning for potentially harmful content and manual review by moderators.

Pastebin Statistics

Pastebin User Count

Number of monthly Pastebin visitors:

18 million (2016)

Pastebin Revenue Totals

Nothing to report just yet. Please check back soon for updates.

Additional Statistics

Number of Pastebin monthly impressions:

14,430,000 (2016)

Number of pastes per day guests are allowed on Pastebin:

up to 10 (2021)

Number of pastes per day free members are allowed on Pastebin:

up to 20 (2021)

Number of pastes per day pro members are allowed on Pastebin:

up to 250 (2021)

Maximum size of a Pastebin paste allowed:

512 kilobytes (2018)

Please note that some of these numbers are easier to find than others. A few of these statistics come from their own reports, but some are based on news reports and not official company tallies. No information contained on DMR should be relied upon to make investment decisions. Basically, this is the best I can find and I don’t guarantee anything to be 100%.

Related Categories:

Business Statistics, Cloud Storage Statistics

About Craig Smith

DMR Publisher. Director of Marketing by day and I run this little site at night. Other interests include Disney, Sports, 80's Nostalgia, LEGO, Star Wars and Tech Gadgets. Other site is