New Years Facts and Statistics for 2024

Last Updated on: January 8th, 2024

Here are a few of the most interesting New Years facts and statistics I was able to dig up in my internet travels. As always, be sure to check back in the future as I will be updating this post as new and updated stats become available.

New Years Facts, History and Stats 2023

New Year’s Day is the first day of the year, celebrated on January 1 in most countries around the world. It is a time for people to reflect on the past year, make resolutions for the coming year, and celebrate with friends and family.

The celebration of New Year’s Day has ancient origins and has been celebrated by various cultures and civilizations throughout history. The earliest recorded celebration of the New Year was by the ancient Babylonians over 4,000 years ago, who held a 11-day festival in late March to mark the beginning of a new year.

The Romans also celebrated the New Year, which was originally celebrated on March 1. In 46 BCE, Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar, which moved the start of the year to January 1. This date was chosen in honor of Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, who is often depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions, symbolizing the past and the future.

The celebration of New Year’s Day continued to evolve over time, and has been marked by various traditions and customs, such as the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” at midnight, fireworks displays, and the dropping of the New Year’s ball in Times Square in New York City.

Today, New Year’s Day is celebrated around the world with many different traditions and customs, but the focus remains on new beginnings, hope, and the opportunity to start fresh in the coming year.

New Years History

  • Year the concept of New Years was first celebrated: 2000 BC in Mesopotamia
  • Year that January 1 was first recognized as the start of the new year: 1522 in Venice
  • Year that January 1 was adopted as the beginning of the new year by the Roman Catholic Church: 1582
  • Year Auld Lang Syne was written: 1788 (as a poem by Robert Burns)
  • Year the first College Football bowl game was played on New Years Day: 1902 (Michigan vs Stanford)
  • Year the first ball dropped in Times Square: 1907
  • First official Rose Bowl game: 1923
  • Year the first Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve aired on TV: 1973
  • Year Dick Clark retired and Ryan Seacrest took over: 2006 (Clark missed 2005, but had not retired yet)
  • Year the Times Square ball switched to LED: 2008
  • Year the first NHL Winter Classic game was played: 2008

New Years Facts and Stats

Day recognized as New Year:

January 1st

Major countries that celebrate the New Year on a date other than January 1:

China, India, Israel (although all three hold New Year’s Eve celebrations)

Chinese New Year Facts and Stats  Can Be Found Here.

The first location to celebrate the New Year:

The Line Islands in Kirbati

Since there is a 25 hour difference in time zones, when the New Year is first celebrated, it is still 11pm local time on American Samoa

Times Square New Years Eve Facts and Stats

Number of people who attend the Times Square ball drop each year:

about 1 million

Amount of trash left in Times Square after the New Years Eve celebration:

about 50 tons

Please note that some of these numbers are easier to find than others. Most of these fun facts come from internet reports and may not be official tallies. No information contained on DMR should be relied upon to make investment decisions. Basically, this is the best I can find and I don’t guarantee anything to be 100%.

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Fun Facts, Holiday Statistics

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About Craig Smith

DMR Publisher. Director of Marketing by day and I run this little site at night. Other interests include Disney, Sports, 80's Nostalgia, LEGO, Star Wars and Tech Gadgets. Other site is